Harvey's Seat belt bags are a fun everyday bag. They are made with real seat belts so you know they will be strong and durable. They come in a plethora of colors and styles. My favorite is the backpack. My good friend
Amanda brought these delightful bags into my life. She actually helped my husband purchase one for me for Valentines day!

Kate Spade
Larabee dot flatware has brought a fun touch to my dinner table. It works great with my china or my everyday dishes. It is durable and dishwasher safe.

I was introduced to This spicy lip gloss by my sister Susie, thanks Susie! I love the tingly feeling I get from
Lip Venom. I am normally not big into lip gloss because I hate how sticky they feel, but this is far from sticky. Lip Venom enhances your natural lip color and shape. A+
Sony 400 disc DVD changer is perfect the for movie enthusiast. I have well over 300 DVDs and this keeps them all neat and organized and takes up very little space. It has a great menu that allows you to view all your DVDs and lets you play them with the click of a button.
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