Monday, March 14, 2011

How to Make a Fried Pork Sandwich

 I just love a good fried pork sandwich. 
Sometimes Travis will come home from work with 
all the ingredients and make one for me. I love it!

This is how we make them.

All you need is pork, bread, butter and flour.
Pork- 6 or 7 ounces per person. we like to use the rib end of a pork loin.
I have the butcher tenderize it for me.

Cover the pork in flour.
Travis will open the package and pour some flour right on the butcher paper
This makes for an easy cleanup.

Place butter and floured pork in a pan.
 Cook on medium until done. About 15 - 20 minutes.
Rotate sides occasionally.

You might be thinking that is A LOT of butter in the picture. 
Don't worry, it was for more than one sandwich. 

You can add cheese at this point if you like. 
I personally like them plain.

You can serve your fried pork sandwich with bbq sauce or ketchup. 
I like to put ketchup and bbq in separate dishes and dip the sandwich.
It's like having two kinds of sandwiches.


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