Sunday, August 26, 2012

Right Now

Right now I am at my cabin in Flaming Gorge Utah catching up on some much needed rest and relaxation. 
I am also reading everything I can get my hands on about twin babies.

What have you been up to?


  1. I did the same thing when I found out that I was having twins. All the information can seem overwhelming, but it's not as hard as everyone told me it would be. Both of my single babies were more difficult on their own that my twins were together. Mine are 6 years old now and are so much fun. Congratulations!

  2. My all time favorite pregnancy books are "Great With Child" by Beth Ann Fennelly, "Eat Sleep Poop" by Scott Cohen and "Girlfriends Guide to Pregnancy" by Vicki Iovine. I know they aren't for twins, but you should own them.

  3. Christina is right, having twins seems overwhelming until you have them. Although I don't know any better, my girls are great and they love each other to pieces. Be prepared for the worst and keep them on a schedule. It will never be as bad as you think it could be. :) Good luck!

  4. Gotta get a hold of Sasha.. she'll tell you all you need to know. Or Grandma Lloyd (Aunt Glenna) she helped raise them for 6 months! That's the thing w/ twins.. people come out and help! Don't worry too much you have lots of family and friends to help! I wish I were one of them!!

  5. BTW...Sooo jelous that your in Flamming Gorge! I sooo miss that place!


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