Hi! It's time for a massive giveaway brought to you by Angie from My So-Called Chaos, myself, and a few other fabulous bloggers who've joined us this month. For the prize this month, Angie has chosen to give one lucky winner an iPad Mini and a Kate Spade Cedar Street Keyboard Folio. Before we get down to the prize, the prize sponsors have been asked to share what their favorite app is on their mobile device, and why. I love this question because it gives us an idea of what apps or social networks to pay attention to, as well as recommendations we should try for ourselves!
What is Your Favorite Mobile App?
Answer: A Social Media App
"My favorite app on my is definitely twitter because it allows me to communicate with my friends, family, and other bloggers!" - Kaci from Earth to Kace "I love Twitter. I can keep up with friends and the news all in one easy place." - Jen from Injenious LifeSnapchat
"Snapchat! I absolutely love being able to snap random pictures to send out to my friends. I also follow a lot of bloggers so seeing the un-edited sides to them is really neat!" - Sarah of Sarah Emily Blogs "Snapchat! I love that I can be a little more goofy and interact one on one with followers. Life isn't a perfectly edited photo and with snapchat you get to see the real side." - January from The Bouncy Ponytail"My favorite app on my phone is Facebook. I love the interaction it brings between family and friends. I have family and friends who live really far away and they are always updating their status with new images and news." - Ashley from Simply Ashley Nicole "My Facebook App because it keeps me easily connected to friends and groups." - Jessica from Two Married Geeks "I have to admit it is Facebook, I am such a nosey so and so, I love being able to keep up with everyone's goings on while I am on the move." - Sarah of Life in a Breakdown
Answer: A Productivity App
"1Password - It stores all my passwords at the touch of a button so I don't have to remember them or take time to look them up." - Darcey from Foodie and WineBlogging
"Hmm that's a tough one, but probably the wordpress app." - Blake from Glitter Your Dash "I love the Bloglovin app and use it all the time to stay up-to-date with all my favorite blogs." - Brittany of Grace, Love, LifePhoto Editing
"Photoshop Express because I'm always editing my photos!" - Jennifer from My Daylights "VSCO or Squaready for photo editing." - Kara from Fit Chick Nextdoor "Right now I'm loving the VSCO Cam app - the camera and editing tools help create beautiful photos from my phone or tablet." - Heather from All Roads Lead to the Kitchen "VSCO- best photo editor app!" - Sylvie from Sylvie in the Sky "I love posting on Instagram so I use a lot of photo apps. I love Afterlight. There are a lot of great filters on that app. I also love to use the apps from the A Beautiful Mess girls to make fun videos and collages!" - Jessica of Living La Vida Holoka "Mextures. I love using it to edit and add some creativity to my photos." - Brianne of Everyday Runaway "PicTapGo - it makes editing photos easy! I especially love the preview it gives of each filter, so I can identify what I want the picture to look like even if I can't describe it."Answer: Other Apps
"Besides the usual social media apps, I find myself clicking on this app called Neko Atsume at least a couple of times a day. How to describe it... hmm. Well, it's a ridiculous little cat game where you set out food and toys in hopes of attracting cats to your yard. They show up, eat food, play with the toys, and they have cute little butt holes. That's reason enough, right? I swear, I'm not crazy..." - Kimi from Kimi Who "I've been HUGELY addicted to the Covet Fashion app for some reason. It's kind of embarrassing, but I can't stop creating outfits. I even spent a couple bucks on it." - Anna from Anna in Wonderland "My favorite app is my Kindle app. I love being able to carry a million books right on my phone!" - Alicia of Snowstorm "MLB app or Disneyland app. I am obsessed with Disneyland and the St Cardinals." - Dianna of Whatever Dee-Dee Wants "My favorite app is Timehop! I love getting to look back at my good memories!" - Lucy of Coffee with Us 3 "Fitbit is my favorite app right now. I love tracking my steps each day and seeing how I compare to my family and friends!" - Jill of Run Eat Snap "Ibotta - I love it because it helps me save money! I can use a little more of that." - Kathleen from Fearlessly Creative Mammas "Calm because you can relax for 5 minutes hearing the sound of the rain." - Caterinea from Kate/idoscope "I love my Netflix app. We only have 1 TV in the house and I am all about killing two birds with one stone type of gal. When I'm cooking dinner, folding laundry, or doing dishes, I can watch one of my shows while maintaining my desire for a clean house. " - Amanda from Green Tea and CottonEnter the Giveaway
One lucky winner will take home an iPad Mini and a Kate Spade Cedar Street Keyboard Folio!* Giveaway is open Worldwide**. Entering below agrees to all terms and conditions within the rafflecopter. Entries will be verified.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
*Prize is subject to change based on availability-but if it does change (which would be a rare occurrence) it will be an equally awesome case/etc.
** International winners will receive $400 in cash instead of the prizes listed due to shipping restrictions and costs.
oh how i love instagram...I was a long opposer of facebook, and then i stumbled on to instagram, and the pictures and beautiful glimpses into the lives of my favorite artists and bloggers, and that was it for me. I would love a little tablet of my own! something just for me ( mom of four can you tell?)
ReplyDeleteIt would be so handy where I work to be able to check emails. I am part of academic support in an Elementary school. The computers are always being used by the students and staff. Having my own would mean I could access when it was convenient for me, not when a computer is available.
ReplyDeleteSnapchat is the best thing that ever happened to me. It makes me laugh and keeps me entertained